LTC Industry Challenges and Potential Solutions

Juliet Spector, FSA, MAAA

We will discuss the current state of the LTC market including challenges and opportunities (LTC reform, combo products, and short term care).

Juliet is a Principal & Consulting Actuary with the Chicago office of Milliman. She joined the firm in 2002.

Juliet offers guidance and experience to both providers and insurers in understanding and estimating the complex financial risks associated with healthcare costs.

Juliet lends actuarial expertise to enable providers to understand a patient-centered quality care delivery system.  She develops customized actuarial cost models to allow her provider clients to maximize revenue when implementing changes to reimbursement strategies or capitation rates. She develops customized utilization and cost benchmarks to enable a focus on quality of care and best practices.  She has experience analyzing and pricing bundled payments and doing longitudinal analysis of specific disease states.  She helps providers with commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid reimbursement arrangements.

Juliet is adept at analyzing large data sets and applying different statistical techniques in order to draw meaningful conclusions and create benchmarks.

Juliet has consulting experience working with individual and small group health insurance companies and their products, including long-term care. She has experience in product development and pricing, state insurance department rate filings, experience analysis, and financial modeling.  She has significant long-term care valuation expertise.

Juliet received her BA in Mathematics from Northwestern University.  She is a member of the Long-term Section Council of the Society of Actuaries.

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