NAIC Update

NAIC Update

Session Description:

In addition to a brief update on PBR and AG48, this session will provide an overview of other lesser-known actuarial projects being considered by the NAIC. They include IUL illustrations, contingent deferred annuities, synthetic GICs, index-linked variable annuities, mortality tables, RBC, and various health insurance initiatives.


Donald Maves is Manager, Actuarial Services with PolySystems, Inc., where for sixteen years he has advised clients in the installation of financial reporting and projection software for life insurance companies. Prior to that, Mr. Maves worked for life insurance companies in various roles including pricing, financial reporting (statutory, GAAP, and tax), financial projections, experience studies, and actuarial regulatory issues. He was Chair of the industry task force that advised the NAIC on the original XXX regulation and continues to follow NAIC activities closely. Mr. Maves is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Mathematics. Mr. Maves is a frequent speaker at Society of Actuaries meetings and other insurance-related events.

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