Chicago Actuarial Assoc.

The Chicago Actuarial Association

President: John Adduci (Polysystems)
President-Elect:  open
VP-Programs:  Ashwini Vaidya (KPMG)
VP-Education:  Pat Pruitt (U.S. Railroad Retirement Board)
Vice President of Public Relations:  Suzanne Chapa (NACOLAH), or 312-648-7666
Treasurer:  Rylan Deemer (Mercer)
Secretary: Rebecca Weinshenker (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois),
     Chicago Actuarial Association, P.O. Box 81675, Chicago, IL  60681-0675 (please contact Rebecca via eMail)

Webmaster: Open Position (We need a volunteer) 

E-mail list
To receive E-mail announcements of meetings of the Chicago Actuarial Association,  send a message to, and put “subscribe announcements” as the subject.  The sending address will be added to our E-mail distribution list.
Call for Topics
What topic would you like to see presented at an upcoming meeting or workshop?  Please send an E-mail to our Secretary (address above).  We need ideas.

Call for Speakers
Would you like to present a topic at an upcoming meeting or workshop?  Is it an actuarial topic covering insurance, compliance, new insurance products, career development, actuarial tools, or the like?  If you are willing to share your knowledge and expertise in one of the these topics areas, please write a one paragraph abstract and E-mail it to the address above.  Please include your name and business telephone number.

Our association does not post employment opportunities, resumes, pay scales, advertisements, etc.  Such an effort would duplicate services provided by other (larger) actuarial organizations and Internet job boards, and would likely offend our sponsors -- the employers that pay fees on behalf of our members. 

Antitrust Disclaimer
The Chicago Actuarial Association adheres to the antitrust laws and cautions all members and speakers that our meetings are designed solely to advance actuarial knowledge and to improve the skills of the individual attendees.  Under no circumstances shall our meetings or programs be used as a forum for representatives of competing companies and/or firms to reach any understanding whatsoever about the pricing of specific products, whether particular products should be marketed to the public, or terms on which products are marketed.  That's our story, and we're sticking to it.